Whispering Bamboo Massage Therapy


As you approach the Whispering Bamboo Massage cottage, you are surrounded by a well-kept, inviting garden with a soothing water feature.  The massage cottage is spotlessly clean and features an attractive, peaceful decor.  The setting is enough to help me start relaxing the moment I arrive.

Virginia Lappay Noyes the Licensed Massage Therapies/owner is an amazingly accomplised young woman, who radiates complete calmness even on her busiest days.  My guess is her calmness contibutes greatly to her many accomplishments.  I feel like she passes on a bit of this calmness to me while during my massage.

Not only is she is exceptionally knowledgeable of all anatomy a good therapiest must know she is also extremely sensitive in her ability to detect tight muscles.  Virginia is also a very good listener who inquires about my particular issues on any given day and responds by adjusting her massage routine to meet special needs I have on that day.

I completely prize my time with Virginia.


Levi Canon


 Thank you Virginia for the best Pre and Post Sport massage. Have the best Olympic Triathlon performance. I feel great!  Bret W.


Very nice, clean and calm massage cottage.  Garden and water feauture is awsome. Virginia is very knowlegeable Massage Therapist and she listens to my concerns.  She help me with my Low back pain and shoulder pain. Thank you... Riz B.


Thank you Virginia.  My calf is a lot lot lot better now. No more pain.. I am ready for another 7miles hike.  You are the best!  Rose


Virginia is very focused.  She listen. She can feel my body's reaction to stress.  I value every moment  with her.  She is not only a massage therapy that do it because its her Job but because she cares and she wants to help.  Thank you. Awsome!  Cindy


Drving too long all day makes my back, and shoulder awful pain, thanks to my massage therapies Virginia, she helps me  keep going and not loosing any days from work.  As she suggest at all times," to prevent any sickness, get a regular massage, and I agree. TJ

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